

A commandline tool to bulk export audio tracks.

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Implementation Python Version from PEP 621 TOML

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BAET will run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Listed below the pre-installation requirements:

Installing BAET

Installation is done via pip. Depending on your platform, to call python, you may need to use the command python or python3. Typing python3 --version or python --version should display the currently installed python environment your PATH. For the remainder of this document, replace instances of python with the appropriate alias on your machine.

To install the most recent stable release, use:

python -m pip install baet

For pre-releases, use:

python -m pip install baet --pre

To update/upgrade to a new version, use:

python -m pip install baet -U [--pre]

To verify your install, call

baet --version


Once installed, calling baet --help will display the general help screen, showing a list of options you can use.

baet help screen

baet help screen

baet help screen

To simply extract the audio tracks of all videos in a directory ~/inputs, and extract each into a subdirectory of ~/outputs, call

baet -i "~/inputs" -o "~/outputs"

Unless you add the option --no-subdirs, a video ~/inputs/my_video.mp4 will have each audio track individually exported to an audio file located in ~/outputs/my_video/.

Note on the help screen

Currently, the help screen contains descriptions starting with [TODO]. This indicates that the associated option may or may not be implemented fully or at all.

Known issues